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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka

June 2024


Basic information:

Trip price:375 EUR for one week
Instructors:Tomáš Mošnička, Barbora Hrušová
Transportation:own transport
Visited destinations:France
Surf equipment:Included surfboard, leash, waxes. Designed for beginners and advanced surfers alike.
Accommodation::in bungalows for four people in Belambra Estagnos
Insurance:not included
complementary activities:trips around, BBQ, party, sunsets on the beach, chill by the pool

Available dates:

20. 06. 2025   -   27. 06. 2025 book
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka

France is the mecca of European surfing and our heart matter! Go with us to surf the southwest Atlantic coast, where the endless beaches are lined with sand dunes, warm water and the entire area is saturated with a surf atmosphere, delicious French wine and food. Are you in?

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


The area of ​​Landes, southwestern France, is 230 km of sandy beaches and great waves, from Bordeaux to Bayonne. The entire coast is lined with sand dunes and pine groves, surf towns are connected by bike paths and paths. There is a pleasant summer surfing atmosphere everywhere – it is not in vain that this area is called California of Europe. The most famous city is Hossegor, which annually hosts the Quicksilver Pro France World Cup at the end of September. Hossegor is renowned not only for great surfing conditions, but also for great ice cream, cafes, bars, restaurants and surf shops. Our surf resort is located in the holiday village of Seignosse, 1.6 km away, near the Les Estagnots and Les Bourdaines surf spots. The beachbreak, where lessons will be held, is suitable for both beginners and advanced, and you can easily go to the beach in neoprene. Accommodation is just five minutes walk across the resort and the sand dune. The Landes area is also famous for the spa town of Biaritz or further south of San Sebastian, Spain.



4 x 2 lessons from professional instructors
lending of surf, leash and wax for the whole day and out of lessons
7x accommodation in beach bungalows of four people
trips around the area and transfers by car on site for surfing or shopping
whole-day trip
lecture and instructional videos
videocoaching and photo shoots
accompanying program, BBQ dinner and beach party
longboard rental and use of tennis court, basketball court and swimming pool
assistance from the Czech organizers throughout the camp
a gift from Surf and Travel
photos and videos from the entire stay
final cleaning and spa fee

insurance TA against bankruptcy
Neoprene rental costs EUR 30 per week

SURFER pro rodiče 12990 EUR

Surfcamp v době konání Mistrovství ČR a SR v surfingu Surfchamp 2024.

4x surfové lekce od českých profesionálních instruktorů
4x zapůjčení surfu, leashe a vosky na celý den i mimo lekce
7x ubytování v plážových bungalovech
přednášku a instruktážní videa
videocoaching a focení
doprovodný program, BBQ
půjčovnu longboardů a využití tenisového kurtu, basketbalového hřiště a bazénu
asistenci organizátorů po celou dobu kempu
fotky a videa z celého pobytu
lázeňský poplatek 12EUR
pojištění CK proti úpadku

Za zapůjčení neoprenu je příplatek 30 EUR na týden

Na tento surfkemp lze uplatnit slevu pro opakované účastníky našich surfkempů a body Benefit Plus

Accompaniment 375 EUR

7x accommodation in beach bungalows of four people
trips around the area and transfers by car on site for surfing or shopping
whole-day trip
lecture and instructional videos
videocoaching and photo shoots
accompanying program, BBQ dinner and beach party
longboard rental and use of tennis court, basketball court and swimming pool
assistance from the organizers throughout the camp
a gift from Surf and Travel
photos and videos from the entire stay
final cleaning and spa fee

insurance TA against bankruptcy


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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


As part of the lessons, we will provide you with complete surfing equipment that will be available to you throughout your stay. Surf lessons will take place at Les Estagnots Beach, which is just a five-minute walk from our accommodation, under the guidance of experienced ISA licensed instructors. The lessons will be traditionally supported by videocoaching, regular photography and surf theory. There are other well-known surf spots nearby, such as Les Bourdaines, Les Casernes, La Nord, La Sud, Capbreton and the world-famous La Graviere.


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surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


The best connection is now a direct flight Prague – Bordeaux with RyanAir for approx. 3500 CZK, where we will pick you up in our van. Buy the cheapest tickets at www.skyscanner.cz

Transfer prices for the whole car for 6 people: Bordeaux – 160 EUR

We also recommend a trip with your own car via Nuremberg, Besancon, Limoges, Bordeaux and Seignosse. The journey takes approx. 15 hours, we will be happy to send you the itinerary of the journey, namely cheap variants off the highway or directly on the toll highway.

vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Zdravíme všechny mámy i táty. Aloha! Surf campy pro rodinky s dětmi jsou tady.

Máte děti školou povinné nebo klidně ty úplně nejmenší a chcete jim ukázat o čem je surfing a atmosféra s tímto “sportem” spojená? Chcete si i vy sami užít v klidu ve vodě svojí lekci nebo si prostě v klidu zasurfovat, zacvičit jógu a vědět, že je o děti dobře postaráno?

Pak jste na správném místě. Přesně pro vás jsou naše surfařské kurzy s dětským programem. Můžete si být jisti, že budete mít dostatek času ve vodě i na suchu. Postaráme se o zábavu vašich dětí na pláži, u bazénu nebo třeba ve skateparku, a když budete chtít tak se klidně můžete přidat i vy.

Vodní bitvy, balanční tréninky, opičí dráha, možné i nemožné stavby z písku, základy surfingu a povídání o oceánu a životě v něm, to je jen střípek toho co vaše ratolesti čeká. Budou odjíždět a všude doma vyprávět o zážitcích, které hned tak jiný kamarád či kamarádka mít nebudou.  A samozřejmostí je výlet na nejlepší zmrzlinu široko daleko a oheň na pláži, to na našem surf campu nikdy nesmí chybět.

Lekce pro děti probíhají v českém jazyce pod dohledem kvalifikovaného českého instruktora s mezinárodně uznávanou licencí ISA.

Rádi odpovíme na všechny dotazy a pomůžeme vám s organizací vaší rodinné surfařské dovolené s námi. Těšíme na vaše zprávy!


surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


DAY 1 – SATURDAY • arrival, pool or beach chill • evening welcome and meeting, gift giving, schedule of the week and motivational surf video
DAY 2 – SUNDAY • dividing into groups, First surf lesson • evening surf tutorials and videocoaching
DAY 3 – MONDAY • Second surf lesson, afternoon visit to outlets • evening surf lecture
DAY 4 – TUESDAY • Third surf lesson, trip to Hossegor
evening party on the beach
DAY 5 – WEDNESDAY • All day trip to San Sebastian, Spain, tasting the best tapas in the world or to the Biarritz, where European surfing began
DAY 6 – THURSDAY • Fourth surf lesson • Evening videocoaching, common BBQ
DAY 7 – FRIDAY • FREE SURFING • evening announcement of progressors of the week, screening of photos from the whole week, prizes and farewell party
DAY 8 – SATURDAY • Departure

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Together with the insurance company Union, we offer SPORT travel insurance including medical expenses
abroad during active sports. More information and prices can be found at this link: PDF

If you are interested in insurance, in the application, put I WANT INSURANCE in the note and add your date of birth, nationality, type of insurance, and whether you also want additional insurance for sports or not.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Can I participate in the surfcamp if I go alone?
Certainly yes, you won’t be the only one, many participants go single and some even go double 🙂 We always connect you all before the trip, so you can travel together and there is a common program in place. We will put you in a room with other individuals or smaller groups, so you really don’t have to be afraid to go out alone.

I have never surfed, can I still participate?
All our surfcamps are designed for complete beginners as well as more advanced surfers. However, the vast majority are complete beginners like you, so don’t worry, you won’t be alone.

Who will I live with if I am not traveling in a larger group?
We always try to divide participants into boys’ and girls’ rooms, if you want your own room, you have to pay the difference for an unoccupied bed.

Is the surfcamp program mandatory and do I have to participate in everything?
The whole program is optional, so if you feel tired or just want to chill, let us know, put your feet up in a hammock or relax on the beach. Do you have a holiday:)

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