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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka



Basic information:

Trip price:from 360 EUR
Instructors:Jiří Dymáček, Milan Morkes, Aleš Tůma
Transportation:vans, plane
Visited destinations:SPAIN
Surf equipment:included, suitable for beginners and advanced surfers
Accommodation::surf villa, rooms for 2-6 persons
Insurance:not included
complementary activities:trips to the mountains, Yoga, BBQ, videocoaching, local fiesta
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka

Discover one of the most beautiful parts of Spain - Asturias, and learn how to surf the waves of the Atlantic. Beautiful beaches, bays, mountain excursions, typical local cuisine, great wine and fresh seafood await you on the table.

surf and travel
vlna surf and travel portugalsko sri lanka
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


If you like adrenaline and adventure, Spain is the ideal destination for your active vacation. The Surfhouse is located in the heart of Asturias in the north of Spain, in the village of Luces, surrounded by clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean on one side and thePicos de Europa Mountains on the other. With this position, you can ride on a surfboard in the morning, afternoon enjoying mountain walks between patches of snow in the Covadonga National Park, the oldest protected area in Spain and in the evening to enjoy the local culture in a nearby marina and relax. Thanks to the different positions of the beaches you do not have to worry even big waves, because the variety of the coast offers the possibility of ride in almost all conditions. Here you can find both classic sand beaches, point breaks and river breaks.



5 x 2 lessons from professional instructors
surfboard, leash and wax rental for the whole day and out of lessons
7x accommodation in a surf villa
trips around the area and transfers by car on site for surfing or shopping
whole-day trip
lecture and instructional videos
videocoaching and photo shoots
entertainment, BBQ, party on the beach
longboard rental
assistance from the organizers throughout the camp
a gift from Surf and Travel
photos and videos from the entire stay
Final cleaning
Spa fee

Insurance TA against bankruptcy
Wetsuit rental costs EUR 40 per week

Discounts for SK Vinohrady members and Benefit Plus points can be applied to this surfcamp


Balíček SURFER ve třílůžkovém pokoji 595 EUR

5 x 2 hodiny výuky od profesionálních instruktorů
zapůjčení surfu, leashe a vosku na celý den i mimo lekce
7x ubytování ve třílůžkovém pokoji v nejlepší české surfové vile ve Španělsku
výlety po okolí a přesuny autem na místě za surfováním či nákupy
celodenní výlet do hor
parkovné na pláži
přednášku o fungování oceánu, vzniku vln a surfovém vybavení
instruktážní videa
4x videocoaching s rozborem vašich jízd a photoshooting
1x BBQ večeře v asturijském stylu
k dispozici zdarma zapůjčení longboardů a surfskejtů
asistenci organizátorů po celou dobu kempu
fotky a videa z celého pobytu
závěrečný úklid a lázeňský poplatek
pojištění CK proti úpadku

Za zapůjčení neoprenu je příplatek 40 EUR na týden.

Na tento surfkemp lze uplatnit slevu pro opakované účastníky našich surfkempů a body Benefit Plus

Balíček SURFER ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji 605 EUR


5 x 2 hodiny výuky od profesionálních instruktorů
zapůjčení surfu, leashe a vosku na celý den i mimo lekce
7x ubytování ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji v nejlepší české surfové vile ve Španělsku
výlety po okolí a přesuny autem na místě za surfováním či nákupy
celodenní výlet do hor
parkovné na pláži
přednášku o fungování oceánu, vzniku vln a surfovém vybavení
instruktážní videa
4x videocoaching s rozborem vašich jízd a photoshooting
1x BBQ večeře v asturijském stylu
k dispozici zdarma zapůjčení longboardů a surfskejtů
asistenci organizátorů po celou dobu kempu
fotky a videa z celého pobytu
závěrečný úklid a lázeňský poplatek
pojištění CK proti úpadku

Za zapůjčení neoprenu je příplatek 40 EUR na týden.

Na tento surfkemp lze uplatnit slevu pro opakované účastníky našich surfkempů a body Benefit Plus

Balíček SURFER ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji s vlastní koupelnou 645 EUR


5 x 2 hodiny výuky od profesionálních instruktorů
zapůjčení surfu, leashe a vosku na celý den i mimo lekce
7x ubytování ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji s vlastní koupelnou a toaletou
výlety po okolí a přesuny autem na místě za surfováním či nákupy
celodenní výlet do hor
parkovné na pláži
přednášku o fungování oceánu, vzniku vln a surfovém vybavení
instruktážní videa
4x videocoaching s rozborem vašich jízd a photoshooting
1x BBQ večeře v asturijském stylu
k dispozici zdarma zapůjčení longboardů a surfskejtů
asistenci organizátorů po celou dobu kempu
fotky a videa z celého pobytu
závěrečný úklid a lázeňský poplatek
pojištění CK proti úpadku

Za zapůjčení neoprenu je příplatek 40 EUR na týden.

Na tento surfkemp lze uplatnit slevu pro opakované účastníky našich surfkempů a body Benefit Plus


3 x 2 hours of surfing lessons from professional instructors
7 yoga lessons with certified lecturer
surfboard, leash and wax rental
7x accommodation in a surf villa
trips around the area and transfers by car on site for surfing or shopping
whole-day trip
lecture and instructional videos
videocoaching and photo shoots
Accompanying program, BBQ dinner in Asturian style and beach party
longboard rental
assistance from the organizers throughout the camp
gift Surf and Travel
photos and videos from the entire stay
Final cleaning
Spa fee
Insurance TA against bankruptcy
wetsuit rental costs EUR 40 per week

Discounts for SK Vinohrady members and Benefit Plus points can be applied to this surfcamp


7x accommodation in a surf villa
Surfboard and wetsuit rental for 7 days
Insurance TA against bankruptcy


7x accommodation in a surf villa
Surfboard and wetsuit rental for 7 days
trips around the area and transfers by car on site for surfing or shopping
whole-day trip
lecture and instructional videos
videocoaching and photo shoots
Accompanying program, BBQ dinner in Asturian style and beach party
longboard rental
assistance from the organizers throughout the camp
gift Surf and Travel
photos and videos from the entire stay
Final cleaning
Spa fee
Insurance TA against bankruptcy



Yoga is an inherent part of surfing, its stretching exercises help a lot before and after surfing and are part of every preparation before going into the water. Anyone can join one of the surfers every morning in the garden to practice free yoga without professional guidance. Throughout the summer, there will be a professional yoga trainer at the villa, which will be available every morning and evening. It is also possible to arrange individual lessons outside the common lessons.
surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Surf lessons will mostly take place on the sandy Espasa beach, led by experienced Czech instructors. All hold international ISA instructor licenses. The lessons take place on surfboards for beginners and intermediate riders from the local Marejada surf school, led by five-time Spanish longboard champion Ricardo Fernández. Teaching is further supported by regular photography, video briefing and surf theory. The program always depends on the waves and the current weather.


Accommodation is provided in a surf villa with a large garden, fireplace, BBQ and yoga terrace. There are double, quadruple and 1 larger room for 4-6 people. The villa has a large, fully equipped kitchen and two outdoor grills waiting for your culinary art. To refresh your body and soul, there is a bar with views of the Picos de Europa and local and classic drinks at popular prices. At the bar, we meet each evening for a drink, view photos and videos of the past day, or watch a movie to fill the cultural inset and get inspiration if it’s a surfing movie. Free WiFi is available throughout the house.
surf and travel
surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Doprava je možná autem nebo letadlem. Naprostá většina účastníků našich kempů volí cestu letadlem a to z Vídně do Santanderu se společností Ryannair nebo z Prahy do Bilbaa se společností Lufthansa, kde vás vyzvednou naši řidiči a dovezou vás až na surf vilu.

Letenky kupte s velkým časovým předstihem před prázdninami, cena se pak rychle zvyšuje.  Nejlevněji na kiwi.com nebo www.skyscanner.cz

Pokud si je nemůžete koupit sami, pomůžeme  vám s rezervací a nákupem u našeho letenkáře, který si účtuje administrační poplatek.


Santander  – 2000Kč  přímý let z Vídně s Ryanair nebo z Prahy za 5000Kč 

Bilbao  – 5.000Kč  z Prahy s jedním přestupem

Asturias – 50EUR   se společností  VOLOTEA airlines z Mnichova přímý let.  Tento spoj létá přímo na letiště v Oviedo/Asturias, které je vzdálené jen 40min autem od SaltyLobos. Více na Kiwi.com .


Bilbao – (250km jedna cesta)  1-2 osoby 125EUR, 3-4 osoby 155EUR,  více osob +39EUR za osobu

Santander – (150km jedna cesta) 1-2 osoby 100EUR, 3-4 osoby 120EUR, více osob +32EUR za osobu

Asturias – (80km jedna cesta) 1-2 osoby 75EUR, 3-4 osoby 95EUR, více osob +24EUR za osobu

Gijon –  1-2 osoby 40,- EUR,  3-4 lidi 50,- EUR, více osob +13EUR za osobu

Cena je za celé auto a 1 cestu.

Pokud přijedete vlastním autem, máte větší volnost na místě, nemusíte se držet plánů ostatních a cestu do Španělska a zpět si můžete zpříjemnit zastávkami v San Sebastian či Bilbau. Podrobný itinerář vám rádi zašleme.

vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Catering is individual, except common barbecue, which is included in the package price with lessons. Newly you can order a delicious breakfast for 6EUR or even better dinner for 11EUR every day in advance. Half board is then at an unbeatable price of 14EUR per day! The kitchen ruler Marketa, cookes with fresh and local ingredients, will always surprise you with something to remember for a long time. Guests can make their own cooking in the large, fully equipped kitchen or barbecue in the garden, where barbecue facilities and wild mint are available. There are cheap local restaurants with typical Asturian specialties and grocery stores nearby. In August, the cider season culminates in a typical cider bar or on the beach at sunset.

surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


During the week we will visit prehistoric caves, local sidreria, typical local restaurants, mountain villages, cliffs with beautiful views, light the biggest fire on the beach, where a surf party breaks out and if this is not enough, you can choose from other activities, that are ready for you:
Canoe / Rafting – Asturias is interwoven with countless rivers that flow from the Picos de Europa directly into the ocean. This combination creates perfect conditions for sliding down predatory water. It is only up to you whether you can go to the feathered waters by canoe or rafting.
Horseback Riding – Asturias is famous not only for its beautiful beaches, mountains and sidra, but also for its noble horses who half-wildly live here for countless centuries. On those who managed to domesticate and calm you can ride on the local beaches and enjoy unforgettable experiences in the saddle.
Bicycle – You can rent one of our mountain bikes on the surfhouse, with which you can explore the hidden beauties of the coast or challenge one of the local mountains to reward you with great views.
Climbing – Climbing is a worldwide known activity that connects body and mind and often forces you to overcome yourself. Even in Asturias there are many paths that are scattered from the coast to Picos de Europa. A few minutes from the surfhouse, you can try beautiful single-limestone paths or try deep water soloing right on the beach.
Trekking – As one of the most breathtaking mountains of Spain and its oldest national park lies just behind our house, it was a shame not to recognize the beauty of Picos de Europa, whose peaks reach over two and a half thousand meters.
Diving – Every little child knows that life was born in the water. And so is the ocean. Today, countless species of fish, octopus and other various fauna that are definitely worth a visit are sweeping beneath the ocean that washes the Asturian coast. The advantage of our location is the absence of a larger city around fifty kilometers, which could pollute the water, so you can enjoy beautiful visibility and rich underwater life.

surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


• Arrival, accommodation will be possible from 14:00 • Relax along the way in hammocks, volleyball / netball in the garden
• 21:00 meeting at the bar – welcome and meeting, giving gifts, schedule of the week and motivational surf video
• first surf lesson, grouping
• 21:00 meeting at the bar, videocoaching
• second surf lesson, short trip in the afternoon
• 21:00 meeting at the bar, common BBQ
• third surf lesson, typical Asturian lunch in local restaurant • 21:00 bar meeting, videocoaching, surf lecture
• the whole-day trip
• Fourth surf lesson, paella, volleyball tournament
• evening videocoaching or party on the beach
• Fifth surf lesson, visit to the local sidárna with tasting
• Evening of the Progressors of the Week, screening of photos from the whole week, awards and a farewell party večer
• until about 12:30 departure
surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Together with the insurance company Union, we offer SPORT travel insurance including medical expenses abroad during active sports. More information and prices can be found at this link: PDF

If you are interested in insurance, in the application, put I WANT INSURANCE in the note and add your date of birth, nationality, type of insurance, and whether you also want additional insurance for sports or not.

surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


You can now get a massage from our professional masseuse Terezka, who will fix you up after a hard day of surfing or hiking in the mountains. The price is 15 EUR for 30 minutes and 30 EUR for 60 minutes.

surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka



On June 2, 2022, Spain abolished the obligation for persons entering the territory of Spain from EU or Schengen countries to submit both an arrival form and a certificate of vaccination, passing a test or having undergone covid-19. The same is the case when traveling from Spain to the Czech Republic.

surf and travel
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka



Can I participate in the surfcamp if I go alone?
Certainly yes, you won’t be the only one, many participants go single and some even go double 🙂 We always connect you all before the trip, so you can travel together and there is a common program in place. We will put you in a room with other individuals or smaller groups, so you really don’t have to be afraid to go out alone.

I have never surfed, can I still participate?
All our surfcamps are designed for complete beginners as well as more advanced surfers. However, the vast majority are complete beginners like you, so don’t worry, you won’t be alone.

Who will I live with if I am not traveling in a larger group?
We always try to divide participants into boys’ and girls’ rooms, if you want your own room, you have to pay the difference for an unoccupied bed.

Is the surfcamp program mandatory and do I have to participate in everything?
The whole program is optional, so if you feel tired or just want to chill, let us know, put your feet up in a hammock or relax on the beach. You have a holiday:)

Do I have to pay the full amount after signing up?
After confirmation of the reservation, you pay a deposit of CZK 3,900 (170E), then the rest of money three weeks before the trip.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


surf and travel

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