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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka

February - MARCH 2023


Basic information:

Trip price:from 480 EUR per week
Instructors:Aleš Tůma and local instructors
Transportation:own transport, van on the place
Visited destinations:Morocco
Surf equipment:included in the price, including neoprene rental, designed for complete beginners and more advanced surfers
Accommodation::stylish villa with the possibility of private rooms for two and for groups
Insurance:not included
complementary activities:video lessons, massages, sandboarding, BBQ, trips to oases and historic cities

Available dates:

08. 02. 2025   -   15. 02. 2025 book
15. 02. 2025   -   22. 02. 2025 book
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka

The next sequel to the successful surftrip in Morocco will take place in March 2021, this time on the west coast in the village of Imsouane, home to the world's sixth longest wave! Travel, oases, historic cities, exotic food and most importantly the best waves await you! Choose your date now!

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vlna surf and travel portugalsko sri lanka
vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Do you want to surf in March? Come with us to travel through the most beautiful places and ride the best waves of Morocco! We have prepared 3 dates for you. You can also come during individual courses. You don’t like long flights, but still want to surf in the heat in the winter with a taste of exoticism? Just 4 hours of flight and you are in the surf pearl of the Orient. We have prepared several packages for you, surf courses for beginner surfers, intermediate and experienced riders. You can freely choose the length of stay according to your possibilities. From time immemorial, Morocco has become a crossroads of different cultures, which have left fascinating traces on its territory. That is why it is still a mixture of the African, Arab, Berber and European worlds. Here you will find the snow-capped Atlas Mountains, arid deserts, sandy beaches, clear lagoons in the rocks and banana and orange plantations. This time we will visit the west coast of central Morocco, the fishing village of Imsouane located about 80 km north of Agadir. We will surf directly under the villa, on the longest right-hander of Morocco, Point d´Immessouane, or on the La Catedrall spot, which has three point breaks. Both complete beginners and experienced fighters will get their money’s worth. During the day the temperature does not fall below 20 ° C in the shade, in the sun up to 35 °, at night the temperatures are around 10 ° C.



7 nights accommodation in surfhouse
5 days of surf lessons
airport pick-up and drop-off (only for a joint arrival to Agadir) * see TRANSPORT section
5x rent of surfboard and neoprene even outside lessons (leash + wax)
video lessons and photos from the whole stay
2 trips
1x yoga
assistance of Czech organizers
Free Wifi

Price includes insurance TA against bankruptcy.

Discounts for SK Vinohrady members and Benefit Plus points can be applied to this surfcamp

BED and SURF 480 EUR

7 nights accommodation in surfhouse

airport pick-up and drop-off (only for a joint arrival to Agadir) * see TRANSPORT section
surfboard rental including neoprene (leash + wax)
assistance of Czech organizers

Price includes insurance TA against bankruptcy.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Every day you will be accompanied by two experienced and licensed instructors from a local surf school with fluent English. One of the Czech guides will always be with you, who will translate into Czech if necessary. Soft so-called soft boards will be prepared for beginners and NSP surfboards for advanced epoxy. Beginners will be taught mainly at the Pointe d´Imessouane spot, which has a sandy bottom and forms a wave so long that it is ranked among the six longest in the world. Advanced surfers will appreciate the La Catedrall spot with three point breaks. Both spots are just a two minute walk from the villa.


Housing is provided at the Mama Africa Surf Villa, just a two-minute walk from the Pointe d´Imsouane and La Catedrall spots. Each floor has a fully equipped kitchen, refrigerator and bathroom with toilet, the house offers a lounge seating inside and outside, a roof terrace overlooking the ocean and sunsets. The villa has one double bed, 2 double beds with a bunk bed, 1 triple bed and 1 five-bed bed. Photos of the rooms can be found below in our gallery. We also have WIFI, a printer and a work corner with a PC for handling e-mails. The villa is located in the famous fishing village of Imsouane, you will not miss the tasting of local fish specialties, the village was even popular with Winston Churchill, who commuted here for fishing. Imsouane is slightly cut off from civilization, he was not brought to life by surfers until the 1960s. A quiet surfing atmosphere awaits you without the onslaught of tourists, several cafes and restaurants, and the most beautiful sunsets.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka



The best connection is now a Saturday direct flight from Vienna to Agadir for 4500Kč with Ryanair. The journey takes 3.5 hours, the price is 4.000Kč if you book early, we pick you up at the airport and in 1 hour you are in paradise at the villa:). In case of need, do not hesitate to contact us, we will help you with booking and buying the ticket.

Transportation from the airport to the accommodation and back is included in the price of the stay and is only valid for a group arrival in Agadir with a minimum of 5 people!


vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


In addition to surfing around Imsouane we will go on several trips. Places to visit include the historic city of Essaouira, where we pass through its old part, called Medina Essaouira, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. We will not miss the colorful market in Agadir, we will visit places where Berber women manually produce legendary argan oil, which is obtained from the kernels of the Argania spinosa tree, found exclusively in the southwestern part of Morocco. This rare tree lives to 150-200 years and grows up to 10 meters. We will refresh ourselves and bathe in the lagoons of the beautiful Paradise Valley, where we can jump from the rocks.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Nákup po cestě z letiště
21:00 Společné uvítání

10:00 odjezd na pláž – lekce 2 hodiny
12:30 Oběd na pláži
Free Surfing
16:00 Odjezd z pláže na hotel
Západ slunce / Večeře
21:00 Videocoaching

10:00 odjezd na pláž – lekce 2 hodiny
12:30 Oběd na pláži
Free Surfing
16:00 Odjezd z pláže na hotel
Západ slunce / Večeře
21:00 Videocoaching

9:30 odjezd do IMSOUANE – lekce 2 hodiny
12:30 Oběd na pláži
Free Surfing
16:00 Odjezd na hotel
Západ slunce / Večeře
21:00 Videocoaching

10:00 odjezd do PARADISE VALLEY – Zastávka v ARGAN VILLAGE
16:00 Odjezd zpět na hotel
Západ slunce / Večeře

10:00 odjezd na pláž – lekce 2hodiny
12:30 Oběd na pláži
13:00 Odjezd z pláže na hotel
14:00 Odjezd do Agadiru na trh
17:00 Odjezd z trhu na hotel
Západ slunce / Večeře

10:00 odjezd na pláž – lekce 2 hodiny
12:30 Oběd na pláži
Free Surfing a závody
16:00 Odjezd z pláže na hotel
Západ slunce / Večeře
21:00 Vyhlášení progresorů týdne a oheň na pláži

Odjezd na letiště

Časy jsou orientační, změna programu vyhrazena podle surfových podmínek.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Breakfast is on your own, and we will stop at a local shop on the way from the airport. For lunch you can prepare a sandwich or visit one of the fishermen’s restaurants on the beach.

The typical and most widespread drink is Moroccan tea or Moroccan whiskey – it is a symbol of hospitality, tradition and culture. Moroccan tea is very intense. Everything is added in large quantities – tea, herbs and sugar. Its preparation and serving is a male prerogative in Morocco. It is a ritual where every step has its own meaning. In the village, all foodstuffs are available as well as local meat, vegetables and fruit of super quality. Avocados, local oranges, mandarins, bananas and more…. What you won’t come across much of here is cheese and salami. Everything is within a 5 minute walk from our house.
Moroccan cuisine is very tasty, thanks in part to the French influences here. The national dish, which is prepared in almost every restaurant, is tajine (tajine), which is always one type of meat (fish, calamari, beef or lamb) and vegetables cooked over hot coals in a round deep plate with an earthenware lid. If you haven’t tasted tajine, you haven’t been to Morocco! And we know where they make the best… Dinner is on your own, or we can go together to one of the many restaurants in Taghazout.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Travel documents and visas: Visa-free travel for Czech citizens is introduced for a short-term visit to Morocco (not exceeding 3 months). To enter Morocco, a Czech citizen must be provided with a passport valid for at least 6 months after entering Morocco. Tourists must be provided with a reasonable amount of funds for their stay, taking into account the expected length and purpose of the stay. Embassy of the Czech Republic in Morocco, Avenue Mohammed VI, 10, Zankat Ait Melloul, Villa Merzaa ,, 10000 Rabat-Souissi, B.P. 410, Phone: + 212 / 537755420-21 Time Shift: CET -1h Telecommunications infrastructure is very developed in Morocco, especially in mobile phones. The signal is practically everywhere, including mountains and deserts. Internet: In our villa, high-speed wi-fi connection is free of charge, but internet access is common in every major city. Charges are around 10-20 dH per hour. Of course, the connection is not the fastest, but normal communication via email is enough. Internet access is also available in hotels.


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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Shopping on the way from the airport

21:00 Common welcome

8:00 Yoga
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Departure for the beach – 2 hours class
12:30 Lunch on the beach
Free Surfing
15:45 Departure from the beach to the hotel

21:00 Videocoaching

8:00am Yoga
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Departure to IMSOUANE – 2 hours lesson
12:30 Lunch on the beach
Free Surfing
15:45 Departure from the beach to the hotel

Sunset / Dinner
21:00 Videocoaching

8:00 Yoga
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Departure to PARADISE VALLEY – Stop at ARGAN VILLAGE
15:35 Departure back to the hotel

Sunset / Dinner

8:00 AM Yoga
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Departure to the beach – 2 hours class
12:30 Lunch on the beach
Free Surfing
15:45 Departure from the beach to the hotel
21:00 Videocoaching

8:00 a.m. Yoga
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Departure for the beach – 2 hours class
12:30 Lunch on the beach
Free Surfing
15:45 Departure from the beach to the hotel
21:00 Videocoaching

8:00 a.m. Yoga
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Departure to the beach – 2hour class
12:30 Lunch on the beach
13:00 Departure from the beach to the hotel
14:30 Departure to Agadir market
17:30 Departure from the market to the hotel
Sunset / Dinner
21:00 Final meeting

7:15 a.m. Breakfast – depends on departure time
Departure to the airport

Times are approximate, program subject to change based on surf conditions.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Od 01.10.2022 Marocké království zrušilo omezení související s onemocněním Covid-19 pro všechny zahraniční cestující, osoby vstupující do Maroka již nemusí předkládat potvrzení o očkování ani negativní test.

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


Můžu se zúčastnit surfcampu pokud pojedu sám/a?
Určitě ano, nebudeš jediný/á,  hodně účastníků jezdí single a někteří pak dokonce odjíždí double:) Před cestou vás vždy všechny spojíme, takže můžete cestovat společně a na místě je společný program. Na pokoj tě dáme s dalšími jednotlivci nebo menšími skupinkami, takže se opravdu nemusíš bát vyrazit sám/a.

Na surfu jsem nikdy nestál/a, mohu se přesto zúčastnit?
Všechny naše surfcampy jsou určené jak pro úplné začátečníky, tak i pro pokročilejší surfaře. Naprostá většina jsou však úplní začátečníci jako ty, takže se nemusíš bát, nebudeš sám/a.

S kým budu bydlet, když nejedu ve větší skupince?
Snažíme se vždy rozdělit účastníky na klučičí a holčičí pokoje, pakliže chceš vlastní pokoj, je třeba doplatit rozdíl za neobsazené lůžko.

Je program surfcampu povinný a musím se všeho účastnit?
Celý program je nepovinný, takže pokud budeš cítit únavu, nebo si chceš jen tak dát chillíček, řekni nám to, hoď nohy nahoru v hamace nebo si dej pohodičku na pláži. Máš dovolenou:)

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vlna surf and travel cechy portugalsko sri lanka


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